Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Monkey's Balls


The Continuum

Berlin, summer of 1905. I found the Rathskeller in mid-afternoon. A stein of cold beer soon sat before me on the bar. I regarded it with anticipation, and relished the delicious liquid as it massaged my dry and thirsty gullet.

Der Barmann approached, and looked at me quizzically.

I asked “Darf ich ein mehr haben?”

Nein,” he replied – “Ein stein ist genug.”

Macy's parade. Monstrous floats, intricate construction.

The float that had stopped before me had a flagpole at least 16 feet tall. A monkey dropped a ball from the top of the flagpole. In one second the ball reached the bottom of the pole.

Under the influence of gravity, the ball fell 16 feet in one second.

I hurried ahead to the next viewing station, and waited for that same float. As it rolled past at exactly fifteen mph, that same monkey dropped another ball. Exactly one second later the ball reached the bottom of the pole.

But during that second the float, the pole, and the ball had traveled twenty-two feet along Broadway. A line from the point of the ball's release -- at the top of the pole -- to its location when it reached the bottom of the pole can be visualized as the  hypotenuse of a right triangle.  The length of the vertical side is 16 feet. The horizontal side represents the twenty-two feet of travel by the float 

The calculated length of the hypotenuse of the triangle is approximately twenty-seven feet. Did the ball falll sixteen feet or twenty-seven feet?

Twenty-seven feet in one second? But it fell only sixteen feet when the float was stopped.

Was the force of gravity increased? Was space distorted? Was time altered?

Despite my Germanic heritage I cannot – will not – speculate on any explanation of this seeming discrepancy.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


The HEB store at 3133 S Alameda St, Corpus Christi, TX was where I first worked for wages. In 1952 I earned forty cents an hour for sacking groceries and carrying them out to customer's cars.

Working in that store at that time was a young man named Charley Butt.

He went on to a life of great success. I went on.

Charles Clarence Butt (born February 3, 1938) is an American heir and billionaire. He inherited his family's San Antonio–based H-E-B supermarket chain in 1971. The privately held company has more than 300 stores and $20 billion in sales, according to Forbes. Wiki

He got his father's genes.

I inherited my father's khakis.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Another Visitation

this post is intended as a continuation of the earlier post "Visionary" 

Another Night

This time my caller approached me more gingerly:

After the way you reacted on my previous visit, I feel that I should ask you.”

Are willing to participate?”

Having had several months to integrate the chilling realizations of his last session, I bravely thought to endeavor to persevere, to again experience the revelations of a superior intellect. I mumbled some sort of acceptance.

He smiled … “I thought that you would.”

As we assumed positions in the classroom – for what else could you call it? – I felt, for the first time, a chill.

Chill, Hell … I was cold!

Noting my discomfort my teacher – for that's how I regarded him – took from his shoulders a soft pure white serape. (At least that's what it would be called here in South Texas)

He gently draped it around my shoulders. I was surprised at the warmth it conveyed. Glad, too.

I inquired after his comfort: “How will you stay warm?”

He smiled. “I don't need it. I brought it for you.”

As I regarded my teacher I began to wonder about him. Brazenly, but politely I asked his name.

He took my left hand, and on the upturned palm he wrote:


He smiled, and said "All is meaningless,"

Let us get to it.”

He took from his pocket – the pocket on his robe could not have been more than about a foot deep – he took out a metal rod about six feet long, and maybe 1/4” in diameter.

Placing it in the emptiness before us, he gave it a gentle nudge. As it drifted away he turned to ask me whether I could recite Einstein's proclamation regarding the limiting velocity of light, and what occurred if an object – he gestured toward the drifting metal rod – were to be pushed beyond the limit.

I was tempted to suggest that an angel would write him a speeding ticket – but I exercised admirable restraint.

Instead I dutifully recited the mantra that at the limiting velociy threshhold, the putative increase in velocity would be converted to increased mass of the object.

He reached into his pocket – David Copperfield should have such a robe – and produced a steel ball an inch in diameter. Suspending it gently before us, he said “Now regard the velocity of that distant departing rod with respect to this stationary ball. What will occur as that velocity increases and approaches the speed of light?”

Eager to display my understanding of the relevant theorem I blurted “The rod will get heavier.”

Precisely what you are expected to conclude. But you have been deceived.  Look to your right.”

Passing alongside I observed Tennessee Fried Chicken, Low's Home Depot, and Wellmart, (It seems the names vary slightly in some locations).

Contrary to what you may have thought, that rod isn't traveling away. WE are in fact hastening in the oppposite direction. My challenge to you is to explain how an increase in OUR velocity can induce an increase in the mass of that rod, which is hanging motionless in this timeless void.”

Wouldn't you know it, my dream ended. Again I was startled to wakefullness by a troubling realization.

Damn it, if he comes back again I'm not gonna be at home !

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Problems with German Metaphysics

 Problem with German Metaphysics

Ptolemy – a modern reference to Claudius Ptolemaeus, a 2nd century A.D. Alexandrian astronomer, brings to mind his tour de force in creating a believable – although very complex – mathematical solution to describe the movement of the planets around the earth, in the context of the then accepted belief that the earth was the center of the universe. From the perspective of the observer on the presumed stationary earth, the orbiting planets moved forward, then backwards – looping in their efforts to conform to the requirement to rotate around the earth.

Nicolaus Copernicus, in the 16th century, concluded that the planets (including the earth) orbited the sun – and that the earth rotated on its axis daily. For fear of the reaction to his heliocentric theory he chose to withhold his conclusions. Johannes Kepler, born about 30 years after Copernicus died, published this revolutionary concept.

Galileo Galilei faced house arrest – virtual banishment from society – for his heretical adherence to the heliocentric concept.

So society collectively demonstrated its willingness – no, eagerness – to accept the Ptolemaic abstraction as an explanation of natural phenomena, even though it was cumbersome. It seemed to work, and it fit into the accepted scheme of existence.

Fast forward a few years. A young German thinker devised his Theory of Special Relativity. And his method of proof was as abstruse in its time as was Ptolemy's in his era.

Yet it was accepted. For, just as in the case of the Alexandrian, there existed an intellectual vacuum – a hunger for understanding. And the willingness to grasp any solution that seemed to explain the mysteries of our existence led, as in the 2nd century, to the devoted adherence to a meaningless mind exercise, drivel which seemed to provide an answer.

Comments extracted from The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant: i

William James (1842 – 1910) was convinced that both the terms and the problems of German metaphysics were unreal. He abominated the obscurities and pedantic terminology of German metaphysics:

"... the height of audacity in serving up pure nonsense, in stringing together senseless and extravagant mazes of words, such as had previously been known only in madhouses, was finally reached ... and became the instrument of the most bare-faced general mystification that has ever taken place, with a result which will appear fatuous to posterity, and will remain as a monument to German stupidity.ii

Will Durant, in The Story of Philosophy suggests that as we consider the achievements of the great thinkers we may be "tempted to console ourselves by denouncing this philosophic geometry as an artificial chess-game of thought in which axioms, definitions, theorems and proofs are manipulated like kings and bishops, knights and pawns; a logical solitaire invented to solace ... loneliness." iii


i The Story of Philosophy, ISBN 0-671-20159-X. Will Durant, James, p.383

ii op cit, footnote, p. 221; Hegél, by Edward Caird

iii op cit, p. 130



Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams...

And so it was. I fell asleep, while watching a contentious debate on television:

Highly emotional support for the position that the speed of light is a limiting velocity -- nothing can travel faster. Equally adamant assertion that it is possible.

Nothing proved.

I was awakened by a man clothed in a flowing all white robe. Without speaking he took my arm, and led me out into the night. Waiting there was a shiny silver vessel, larger than my Chevrolet suburban.

A door opened, and we entered.

There was a momentary sensation of motion, then quiet.

What seemed to me just a few seconds, and the door again opened. We stepped out into – nothingness.

My guide spoke: “Be not afraid. Your safety is assured.”

How am I able to breather?” I demanded.

He smiled. “Rest easy. It is provided.”

Something about his manner was reassuring. I made the almost unconscious decision to accept my circumstances without fear.

I have brought you here to accomplish one thing: That you must be free of the constraints of the frame of reference of you earthly surroundings."

 "Observe: There, before you are three balls. You may regard them as similar to tennis balls, or the balls from the game you call Pool.”

Their composition is irrelevant. Their size is as you choose to perceive. The arrangement is placement as if defining the points of an equilateral triangle. Note that there is no motion, either with respect to each other, or to you.'

He paused, to assess my understanding. Satisfied, he continued:

By the power of your mind, you are to accelerate the leftmost ball to nine-tenths the speed of light, in an easterly direction. You are able to maintain awareness of its path and position.”

I nodded my assent and understanding.

That ball, that you have directed, is moving at 0.9 times 186,00 miles per second away from its two erstwhile companions. I now tell you to accelerate the rightmost of the balls to half the speed of light, in a westerly direction. Exactly opposite the direction in which you dispatched the first ball.”

A pause. To observe my compliance.

Now, tell me the velocity of the first ball in relation to the one remaining.”

167,400 miles per second.”

Exactly. And what is the velocity of the second ball in relation to the one remaining?”

93,000 miles per second.”

Right again. And with the understanding that velocity is RELATIVE, what is the velocity of the eastbound ball relative to the westbound ball?”

I awoke, sweating, although my room was cool. My consternation at having to confront the reality that there could exist a velocity IN EXCESS of the speed of light interrupted my dream, and plunged me into frustrated wakefulness …


I learned that a genius of years past had approached this problem and solved it by decree:

  1. The speed of light is constant,

  2. And if a object approached the speed of light, the energy that might propel it past the speed of light is converted to mass.

The German predilection for explaining the mysteries of the universe by elaborate constructions of fancy has been the subject of past commentary. Please refer to my essay Problems with German Metaphysics.odt for a summary of my arrogant refutation of German mythology.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Alone, and Fearless


Alone, Fearlessly Facing the Inevitable,

As I amble through the ninth decade of my convoluted life, I reminisce …

I reflect on my father’s usual comment, upon hearing my latest criticism of idiotic or oppressive edicts from government … “Abe, you’re tilting at windmills.”

My Quixotic efforts have through my life been limited to verbal discourse, or written dissertation such as a Letter to the Editor submitted to the local newspaper. Those letters which were published seemed always to draw angry response from readers with tender toes.
Yet do I continue. For me the challenge is irresistible. I must not ignore my perceived duty to refute the unreasonable, illogical position of a proponent of some ridiculous scheme to solve humanity’s problems with another government

A few years ago I discovered the Blogosphere. Here I entered a rich field of opportunity for my crotchety expression of irrelevant, self-centered ideas.
I devote much of my time and effort to blogging.

I humbly accept that my essays are devoid of substance, and that most of my family and few remaining friends are justified in their collective decisions to ignore my posts.

My freedom of self expression has a companion freedom — the delicious freedom from fear. I no longer fear my death, and in my solitude I have no need to fear the death of a beloved life companion.
My only fear centers on the possibility of being confined to a wheelchair — unspeaking, drooling, unable to communicate even my smallest wishes to uncaring attendants who manage various bodily needs.
Recent media coverage suggests that solitude in old age is responsible for depression, and may lead to suicide. Commentary encompasses the numberless accidental overdoses of narcotic pain pills, enhanced by the synergism of alcoholic beverage. One wonders if the victims were so drunk that they did not understand their circumstances. Hmmm?
I am happy, enthusiastically eager to continue doing what I enjoy, impatient to begin each new effort, and then joyous at the completion of one of my many projects.
I feel a strange smug contentment when I relax, in my recliner, in my apartment, in front of my TV, with the current book of my selection, with a tray of my own home-cooked meal, at the end of my day of proud accomplishment.
Not even remotely close to depression — An intense introspective analysis reveals that I am in better shape, emotionally and mentally, than I was throughout most of my life.
I look forward to another ten or fifteen years of a good life.



In his youth my father was a professional hunter. From the fields and forests of north Alabama he harvested quail and rabbits, to sell to shopkeepers in town.

He raised bird dogs for his quail hunting. He continued to hunt for recreation into his later years.

My heritage included hunting. Pop took me duck hunting in 1951. We went on a deer hunt in 1971. I continued into the 1990's. My last hunt was with my good friend Stan, in New Mexico in 1992.

Many good memories.

However …

And I defer to the psychologists who presume to have an explanation for everything … perhaps they are correct, in saying that it is a sense of mortality attendant to aging that brings this evolution …

I no longer have any desire to kill anything.

Life seems sacred. I even find myself apologizing to a spider as I kill it.

I note a news report of a hunter rejoicing in killing a deer with freakishly huge antlers – and I am saddened.

I think “Why couldn't he have allowed that splendid animal to live?“

         Wir werden zu frĂĽh alt und zu spät schlau.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

20-20 Hindsight


Two incidents in the hunting field:

  • I was hunting in New Mexico, at the base of Mangas Mountain. I was sitting in a position carefully selected for observation of any coyotes responding to my call. I had the wind in my favor. They would be coming down and out of the brushy draw, into the clear area just below me.

I worked the call with the expertise developed in years of experience calling coyotes in South Texas. I put the call in my pocket, and lifted the Browning .270 off my lap to allow me to shift my position — the hard ground was getting uncomfortable. A casual glance over my right shoulder revealed two coyotes gazing intently at me from ten feet away. Behind me. Where they had to have come the wrong way, up wind, across open ground, to approach me where I was sitting out in the open. I was grateful that they had not attacked me. So grateful that I allowed one of them to depart, unharmed.

  • The other incident was while I was sitting, patiently watching a small pond high up on Luna Mountain, where we had found bear tracks in the soft mud around the water. Stan was similarly positioned about twenty yards to my right. I was fighting to avoid snoozing, when the report of Stan’s .25-06 woke me up. Wide awake, I stood up facing him. He pointed to the crumpled 150 pound bear lying on the ground 50 feet away. That gentle looking ball of fur had been bringing a mouth full of teeth, and four paws with 20 claws right up to my backside.

Mixed feelings, defined: Stan shot MY bear — just before it licked me in the ear.

And an incident in the city:

Working narcotics while I was a deputy sheriff entailed a lot of sitting in my car, watching locations where drug transactions were made.

I felt rather foolish — embarrassed, actually — when a dealer crept up from behind me and appeared suddenly at the window of my car.

No real harm done — he just looked into my eyes, and turned and walked away. He’d made his point — I’d have to try another day, to get anything on him.

The takeaway from these incidents is this: there is a need for a device that monitors my six, to notify me when anyone — man or beast — approaches from the rear.

Cause and Effect


How problematic it is ... assigning effect to a cause!

Let us observe the existence of three circumstances: A, B, and C.

An astute observer may consider, and conclude that C exists as a result of the causal factor B.

For example, as in the recent media reports, men who don’t eat breakfast have a 27% higher risk of heart attacks.

Cause. No breakfast = B.

And effect. Increased risk of heart attack = C.

But is B a causal factor, or an effect?

Easy to overlook is the possibility that not eating breakfast may be a consequence of the habit of eating a large meal late in the day – which causes not only the aversion for an early meal the following day, but also an increased risk of heart attack.

Cause. Large, late meal = A

Effect. Aversion for breakfast = B.

Effect. Increased risk of heart attack = C.

We grow too soon old, and too late smart.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Memorable Memorials


The United States (U.S.) national memorials to World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War are all located in Washington, DC.

Memorials erected to those soldiers who served in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812,... are often found at the sites of their respective battlefields.”

Copied from Internet references

Following the news report of the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee I am immediately impelled to demand the removal of memorials to WWII because it may offend the many U.S. citizens of German or Japanese descent.

And in consideration for our many Vietnamese residents we should certainly dismantle the Vietnamese Wall.

Continuing the random and incomplete survey of historic memorials, let us purge our society of memorials related to the conflicts with England beginning in 1775 and including 1812. Offense against any citizens of this nation that is now our ally must be avoided.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Super Spreaders


 I viewed the closing few minutes of the Friday night football game. The announced crowd of 68,316 for Florida State's season opener against No. 7 Notre Dame was 10,000 under the stadium's capacity.

I didn't deliberately tune in to the game – I was waiting for the game to end, so I could catch the news.

The camera scanned the stadium crowd, and there seemed to be no vacant seats.

I was/am impressed that so may hundreds of people believe themselves to be immune to Covid – and/or regard the likelihood of the occasion becoming a “super-spreader” event as being insignificant.

It is no wonder that the Covid pandemic is in riotous upsurge. I take umbrage, and hold each person in that crowd responsible for the ongoing increase in illness.

Their indifference is unforgivable.

Post Script:

A day after posting this blog  I read this:   

"NFL teams can have different stadium policies and protocols. The Seattle Seahawks, Las Vegas Raiders and New Orleans Saints are requiring fans to provide proof of vaccination to enter. Other teams may join them along the way."

That certainly changes my perception --- but I continue to be concerned  that so many believe that football is more important than Covid prevention.


 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday defended a new state law banning most abortions that also does not provide exceptions for cases of rape or incest, saying it does not force victims to give birth  -- even though it prohibits abortions before some women know they're pregnant.

While taking questions during his first press conference since the law took effect last week Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday added that Texas would strive to eliminate all rapists from the streets.

Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them," Abbott said.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS September 8, 20219:41 AM ET

To this weary observer of the vagaries of society it would seem desirable to arrest these rapists BEFORE the commission of their first rape. And yet somehow it seems contrary to established legal practice to arrest someone before he commits a crime.

Abbott seems to implicitly support the philosophy that “every dog is entitled to one bite.”

Can't he extend the same courtesy to those women who are victimized?

King's English

definition:  King's English: The standard, "correct" form of English, as spoken by educated people.

News headline:
“One killed after earthquake in Mexico'”

Question: When was that one killed?

Answer: After the earthquake.

Followup question: Was his death due to, or in any way related to, the earthquake?

Answer: Unknown

Shall we guess the intended meaning?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Retro Magic

 A commentator, obiously demented and/or intellectually challenged, stated displeasure with the return of ABBA. Then proceeded to say that the possible resurection of the 1970's woiuld be the ultimate catastrophe.

Well, opinions are like noses -- ever'bodys got one.

Personally. I long for the climate -- social and otherwise -- of 50 years ago.

And contrary to the idea that it would be tragic, a return to 1970 could be beneficial.

'Frinstance, auto makers are cutting back production because some arcane electronic components are unavailable.

Well, how 'bout this:

General Motors could start producing the 1973 models all over again.  The sedan with the straight six was a great family car,  And I'd be first in line to get a new 1973 half ton pickup with a 350, and three on the tree. Even without air conditioning.  Did it before.  Could do it again.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Magic Swing p. 4


Magic Swing  p. 4

Black Bellied Whistling Duck

In 2003 through 2006 I  had a small (VERY small) “ranch” south of Alice. There I enjoyed bird watching, and compiled what was for me a significant list of identified sightings. Some were unique occurrences, a “one time only” event.  But I didn’t list them unless, with bird book in hand and ten power binoculars in play, I could make a positive identification.

Other were frequent recurring visitors.

Such it was with the Black Bellied Whistling Duck.

The first sighting was a solitary individual, who walked across my property as if it felt at home, giving ample opportunity for certain identification.

Then there were two. 

And one glorious day they slowly and majestically paraded their new family of eight across my driveway, walkig single file, one adult in front, the other following the line of ducklings.

I continued to enjoy their visits while I remained on my “ranch”.

After I moved into town I occasionally saw one of these ducks perched on telephone or power lines!

I’ve never seen any other duck sitting on a wire —  and I’ve seen a few ducks.

When they utter their unique vocalization, from their vantage point on the high wire, would that be a long distance call?

Texas Cuckoo

One hot summer morning IN 1988 my wife and I drove to the Pedernales State Park east of Johnson City in Central Texas. We watched for wildlife along the road leading into the park, and were rewarded with our first sighting of a Painted Bunting. 

And a punk rock roadrunner.

Roadrunners are fairly common in Texas, and I have seen many. But the sight we saw that day will long be remembered. The cuckoo sat beneath a small thorn bush just across the ditch alongside the road, and stared at us as we marveled at him. He erected his crest, and amazed us with the revealed brilliant orange coloration. When he folded it he appeared as any road runner, stately in his gangly pride, with contrasting black, white and brown. But when he erected that crest the luminescent  orange was magnificent!

 Bird calls

When I told Stan that I had heard a roadrunner cooing, he was skeptical.  “In my half century in the South Texas brush I have seen a bunch of roadrunners, and I never heard them coo.”

Well, I understood his dubiosity, but I know what I heard.  I was looking right at the bird when it cooed, saw its movements when making the sound, and heard it clearly. Similar to what a pigeon  does, but at a lower pitch.

I saw that bird frequently – while I sat in the porch swing at my “ranch”, and the elegant fowl pursued its life in the mesquite thicket between my house and the highway. One day, in an exuberant state of Dr. Doolittle optimism, I attempted to duplicate the cooing sound I had heard.

Frankly, I had no expectation of the same success I remember in calling a quail.  

Some years before, while sitting alone in my car at the skeet range of the Victoria Gun Club, I heard the familiar covey call of the brown bombers — and in response to my call a big cock quail walked to and around the car. He stopped beside the car door, cocked his head and looked up at me...

To my amazed gratification, the roadrunner replied. More than that, it began moving in my direction. I called again, probably five times in all. With each exchange, the bird moved a little closer. A few halting steps each time it answered, then a pause to assess.  It moved in the open, along my driveway, approaching my position in the porch swing. Finally it became too nervous, and half ran, half flew back to the safety of the thicket.


The birdbath is centered in my yard, so that I can observe it from my porch swing. Frequently I watch it as much as the television to which I turn for distraction. So it was when the grackle appeared. 

Now, understand, this was not the first time I had seen the grackles bring food to the bath to wash it. Sometimes I think they are softening it. I frequently find disintegrated dog biscuits in the bird bath. 

Other times they are soaking whole pecans. Today the grackle was bathing a snake. Yeah, a foot long brown snake – who obviously did not like being bathed. His struggles were for naught – the bird continued the cleansing until satisfied, then flew away with his prize. I didn't see him eat it, but I must suppose ....


Occasionally i was honored by the passing of a flight of wild geese. Canadian honkers. Beautiful. It was always a thrill to watch a flight of the big black and white birds honk their way past in an early morning fog.

One morning while I sat in my swing, reading and relaxing, I heard a flight of geese approaching. I put my book down to watch them, and I was pleased to see about twelve or fifteen geese approaching from the South, low over the trees.

But wait – there’s something strange!

They were flying in their typical V-formation. But they were low, zigging and zagging in a way never seen before.

As I watched, fascinated, they approached, generally headed toward me. And finally they were close enough to see that the leader was smaller … could it be a … ?… yes, it was!

A mallard drake – green head distinctive – was leading the flight of geese.  He seemed to be trying to elude them, but they matched his every turn, across my pasture and beyond the trees.

Sparrow Hawk

I have a new companion. No, let me choose another word  —  a new neighbor. His awareness of me is much less than my appreciation of him. He watches me in cautious speculation whenever I am too close – but otherwise he is intent on his own pursuits, and remains blithely unaware of my gaze.
This small Sparrow Hawk sits in silent, patient watchfulness on the power line along the highway, straight out from my kitchen window.  I stand in quiet admiration, observing his occasional plunge to the grass below, extracting an insect or small animal for a hasty meal. He carries it with him to his perch, eating on the mount, and then resumes the hunt. 
As I sat in my porch swing, alternating my gaze from him to a red-bellied woodpecker in the mesquite across the driveway, the hawk spied an item of interest in the driveway in front of me. Swooping in colorful rufous display he swept up a tidbit too small for me to see at thirty feet – and yet he had discerned it from over thirty meters.
As I carried the garbage can to the road behind my house for pickup by the obliging county truck my ubiquitous sparrow hawk flew in acrobatic abandon not twenty feet from me, chasing a very frightened curved-bill thrasher, which protested noisily as it dove to safety in the brush pile alongside the road.  The small hawk abandoned the chase, but the thrasher was so frightened that it refused to leave its refuge in the thorny limbs. It eyed me warily, but clung tenaciously to the security it had found, even though I approached within ten feet.
The sparrow hawk has been resident here for about a month. Where, I wonder, did it abide previously? And how long will it bless me with its entertaining presence?
No matter – I will enjoy it so long as it graces my neighborhood, and then I will look anew to another neighbor. Spring approaches, and with it the return of the scissortails, with their noisy chittering and graceful aerial ballet. Life is a tableau of continuing, changing delights. And I enjoy them all.

Crazy law? Illegal Windfall

Newly implemented Texas anti-abortiion law provides that anyone can sue those involved in providing an illegal abortion. for a judgmemt of $10,000 !  Even, perhaps, a taxi driver who transports the patient to the site of the procedure could be sued.

No concern for the legal principle of "standing."

How about a new legal provision to allow ANYONE to sue a legislator who promotes an unreasonable law?

Goat's Foot Morning Glory

                        Railroad Vine, Ipomoea pes-caprae   from an internet soirce: “The Railroad Vine blooms during the summer and fa...