Sunday, January 15, 2023

Free TV

 Nothing much going on here, so I'll share the following:

There are many things that I encounter in life that baffle me. Mysterious.  Frustrating.  Beyond my understanding and comprehension.

I rely on TV for entertainment and diversion.  Were it not so pricey I would subscribe to Cable.

My chosen alternative is to use an antenna to receive the over-the-air broadcasts that are federally mandated.  

I bought an antenna for a hundred bucks, and hung it on the bedroom wall in my apartment. A shielded twenty-five foot cable connects to the TV in my living room. This has served me well for seven years. 

A recent very severe thunderstorm, with frighteningly arrogant lightning, prompted me to disconnect TVs, computers, and my microwave from the electrical power to avoid damage by any high voltage spike that may follow a lightning strike.  As an afterthought I disconnected the antenna cable from the TVs.  

The storm passed without any incident.  

For the last few weeks I have been enjoying news broadcasts, football games and movies on the TV.

Yesterday I walked past the antenna in the bedroom, and noticed the antenna cable lying on the floor, disconnected.  I picked it up and looked at it.

Yes, I had left it disconnected. I moved the loose end farther away from the antenna, and turned on the TV.  All channels are displayed without any indication of irregularity.

I continue to watch TV with no antenna connection.

I'm not versed in the intricacies and nuances of the science of transmission and reception of TV signals.  But this all seems contrary to any understanding that I may presume to enjoy.

I shall add this to my unrecorded list of Things that Mystify.  

Life goes on.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hmmm...perhaps the TV has a built in antenna you were not aware of. And, I unplugged everything during that storm also...wicked lightning.

Weather or not . . .

  Words that come unbidden to mind include paranormal . ..supernatural . . .  ridiculous . . . The first instance I observed while following...