Sunday, May 5, 2024

Weather or not . . .

  Words that come unbidden to mind include paranormal . ..supernatural . . . 

ridiculous . . .

The first instance I observed while following a national weather forecaster's analysis of storm progress . . . 

“. . . moving along I-35 . . ”  he intoned.

 I have traveled I-35 —  from Laredo to DFW.  But I was impelled to call up a map, to compare that stretch of asphalt and concrete to the aforementioned weather pattern.

“Mere coincidence” I muttered.

Then on another day there was the string of dangerous weather that seemed to be travel along I-10 as it wandered west to east across Texas.

“Strange” I thought.  “Almost as if it consciously followed the highway.”

And now . . . 

“I understand thee not, and yet I see thee still. . .  art thou but

an image of the mind, a false creation,

Proceeding from the storm-oppressed brain.?”

For as I gaze at the weather channel screen I see an array of Texas counties that are under a weather alert  . .  .  and marked by brilliant coloration . . .  in a line, west to east . . . and lying along Highway 59 . . . .

 Merely hallucinatory, or perhaps supernatural?  

“. . . and yet I see thee still. . . “

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Trump — Harris debate

  My comment re Trump — Harris debate: Trump won the debate —      Harris won the media coverage!