Sunday, October 17, 2021

AED: Awfully Egregious Disinterest


Several years ago I was privileged to attend a Red Cross training course.

For me the high point of the curriculum was the instruction on the AED — the Automatic Emergency Defibrillator.

I learned that if a patient collapsed in a store and needed coronary resuscitation, the procedure included beginning CPR, and shouting to any available bystander “Go find an AED!!!”

Pleased to learn how to use the miraculous device, I was thrilled to hear that the devices are strategically positioned throughout the community. Seeking clarification and understanding I inquired regarding a list of locations that were equipped. I was advised there is no list, but that government offices, schools and all major merchant establishments were so equipped.

An unplanned impulse lead me to inquire, one day while shopping, where I might find an AED in the particular Big Box store I was visiting.

Blank stare.

“What’s that?”

I explained. No help. I sought an important looking store employee, and got the same result.

Desperate for reassurance I went to Customer Service — surely they would know ...?


Disheartened, I abandoned that particular establishment. Repairing to another Big Box store, I first approached an employee who seemed to have some authority — directing customers, providing assistance, looking important.

Blank stare.

Off to Customer Service. Yep, you guessed it. Nada. Zip.

Well, I reasoned, the Pharmacist, having medical knowledge, would at least know what the device is.

“A what? No, we don’t have anything like that. You’ll have to go on the Internet to find something like that.”

Two down. One to go.

I drove to the remaining Big Box store, of the three which I had been assured have AED’s. I followed approximately the same routine, asking three store employees — who not only didn’t know where to find one — they didn’t know what it is.

I have noted — and I’m certain you have seen — the proudly displayed notifications, a large arrow pointing downward, to identify the location of a fire extinguisher in these stores. Is there a suggestion here for AED awareness?

I communicated my experiences to a gentleman who seemed to have some authority and functionality in these areas. I was saddened by what seemed to me an indifferent non-response.

Aware of my insignificance in this hierarchically structured society, I withdrew from the field. I did not want to ruffle any feathers.

But to my way of thinking, all these major retail establishments should train their employees — both of the presence/location of an AED, and in its use/application. If you have, or know anyone who has some influence in such matters — well, push some buttons .... the life you save may be ...

You know.

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