Saturday, April 6, 2024

Who is your Favorite

 “Who is your favorite composer?”

To which I respond with the question “Have you ever eaten in a restaurant?”

The puzzled response to that may be “What the f ...What's that got to do with your choice of composer?”

I try to gently lead to an understanding . . .

“At the restaurant you were given a menu.  You studied the items offered and made a selection.  If you returned to the same restaurant at a later date you again made a selection — probably not the same one chosen on your previous visit.  So it is with music — when I choose to listen to classical music, I can choose Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Puccini — or one of many others I enjoy.

In the popular music genre I think of Crosby, Sinatra, Doris Day, Dinah Shore — and many others.  Too many to list.”

The point is, choosing one favorite is not reasonable.  A better question would be “What kind of music do you enjoy?”

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I suppose what kind of music I enjoy depends on the mood at the moment, as I love all genres of music and could probably find one song that I life from each artist that ever created music. :)

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