Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Fear of the Covid Pandemic compels isolation. Hygge renders isolation tolerable.

I survive in my cozy nook by meditating and relaxing. In my hygge.

“ … hygge is about chocolate, it is about alcohol, it is about sinful pleasures ... a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well being.” 

 In my apartment I have created for myself an atmosphere of hygge. I work at making my abode pleasingly comfortable.

Admittedly my attention to housekeeping lags … but I manage. My physical limitations have reduced my efforts … but I still vacuum regularly. Twice a year. In the Fall I vacuum the open areas — but in the Spring I move the furniture, to vacuum under everything.

My hygge nook is centered on my recliner, facing my TV (which provides both music, and visual diversion), with the requisite textile ambiance of quilts and pillows on my nearby bed.

I have a salt lamp — a gift from a dear friend, long gone. Its soft orange glow  provides a mood, an atmosphere, that is relaxing.

Beside me is my morning cuppa, a tradition of mine for many years. It usually is coffee with cream — frequently augmented with either chocolate syrup, or a shot of vodka. Or both. On random occasions I”ll have a cup of Earl Grey. Sans sugar or other contaminants.

The aroma of my slow cooker, working all morning to create for me the pot roast that will feed me for several days, evokes memories of life in my parents' home, and Mom's cooking. Nostalgia is an essential component of my hygge. Therefore the photos on the walls, and the mementoes scattered about.

I have my books. Many that I have read, and re-read. And a whole row of new books waiting to be read — when I get around to getting new glasses.

Music completes the scene. I am grateful for YouTube. It augments my personal collection of music, providing such otherwise inaccessible selections as Vivaldi's Oboe concerti that are now back-grounding my morning.

The weather outside is cold and miserable — but beautiful. Every day is beautiful, because it begins in and flows from my hygge and into the totality of my existence.

I am content.

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