Sunday, August 29, 2021

Unidentified Flying

Much ado over the mysterious objects recently observed flitting about in our atmosphere.

Some there are, another said, who tell of … the certainty that any living being in that elusive craft would be squashed by the tremendous G-forces generated by the fantastic maneuvers that are observed.

Maybe that’s what killed the aliens found in the crashed craft at Roswell in 1947.

If so, that might have been the impetus that led to the development of AI manned drones.

Why should they risk the lives of living pilots when an advanced robot could explore and report back to the Mother ship?

Much like the oceanographers who explore the Mariana Trench via robot submarines from the comfort and safety of their floating lab.

Even advanced technology advances in fits and spurts.

Weather or not . . .

  Words that come unbidden to mind include paranormal . ..supernatural . . .  ridiculous . . . The first instance I observed while following...